Suicide bombing in Afula thwarted

Suicide bombing in Afula thwarted


     (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    An explosive device weighing seven kgs intended for a suicide attack in the city of Afula was uncovered in the area of Dir Hana in the Galilee on Sept. 22, 2002. A 15-year-old was sto have blown himself up with an explosive device smuggled into Israel in a bag of flour. The suicide attack planned by a Tanzim and Islamic Jihad cell in Jenin and the explosive device was uncovered in a joint operation of the ISA, the IDF and the Israeli police.

    Over the last several days it was discovered that the Tanzim and Islamic Jihad cell in the village of Yamun, led by the wanted operatives Ebrahim Abahara and Warad Abahara, was planning to launch a large terror attack inside Israel. A 15-year-old Palestinian from the village of Yamun was supposed to carry out the suicide attack in Afula, and was given 1000 shekels and a cellular phone in order to do so. He was arrested and taken for further questioning.

    Zaal Mahmad Tahar Abahara, 31, resident of Yamun and brother of the wanted operative Warad Abahara, was arrested in a joint operation of the ISA and the Israeli Police was arrested in the area of Dir Hana in the Galilee on Sept. 21, 2004, and taken for questioning. Zaal admitted in his investigation that he had arrived with his family as part of 'family unification' process, in which family members from the West Bank are allowed entry into Israel. The explosive device, hidden in the flour bag, was passed with the rest of the family's belongings, which included two large gas balloons, clothing, a large tent, mattresses, plastic containers for water. Zaal intended to work in Israel, without a permit.

    Zaal admitted that he was supposed to pass the explosive device on to a suicide bomber and to help him get to Afula in order to carry out the attack. The instructions to transfer the explosive device was given by Zaal's brother Warad. The explosive device, weighing over seven kgs, containing nails and shrapnel was discovered in the flour bag a few hours after Zaal crossed it into Israel.

    Following intelligence information two operatives involved in transporting Zaal from the village of Yamun to the area of Ramallah and the Rantis checkpoint, in order to help him pass into Israel, were arrested in the area of Ramallah. (The operatives are Adnan Mahmud Maztafa Halaf, 31, and his brother in law, Mahmad A-Gavar Abdallah Hushia, 30, both are residents of Yamun.)

    Zaal and his family entered Israel with the assistance of local drivers while changing vehicles and using dirt roads and bypass routes. Most of the way Zaal and his family set in the back seats of a vehicle with yellow (Israeli) license plates. Zaal paid about 2000 shekels for the ride.